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Julie's Jungle
is a 22-acre USDA and State licensed private breeding facility just outside of Pensacola, Florida, and home to Servals, Kinkajou, Fennec Fox, and Caracals. We've been raising animals full-time since 1996, and consider what we do a lifestyle more than a job. We love what we do, and are fully committed to providing you with wonderful, life-enriching pets.
  Laws and regulations
This is the MOST IMPORTANT first step in exotic animal ownership. Many states have specific requirments and laws governing the ownership of exotic animals. In order to preserve our rights as exotic pet owners it is imperative that you comply with your local legislation. Along with care sheets and more, we have compiled a list of resources to help you get started.
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What makes a good pet?
Read this thought provoking article to help you identify the important considerations of exotic pet ownership and make an informed decision about what pet will be best suited for you as well as your living situation.

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